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【輸入盤CD】【新品】Bucks Fizz / Land Of Make Believe: The Definitive Collection【K2023/10/27発売】

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管理番号 新品 :30961240404
中古 :30961240404-1
メーカー 【輸入盤CD】【新品】Bucks 発売日 2025/02/08 20:57 定価 8490円

【輸入盤CD】【新品】Bucks Fizz / Land Of Make Believe: The Definitive Collection【K2023/10/27発売】

For the first time ever, the entire singles collection of Eurovision winners and 80s hitmakers Bucks Fizz, as their correctly released versions. Including the No. 1 hits The Land Of Make Believe, My Camera Never Lies and Making Your Mind Up, plus all the B sides from the singles and all the original extended mixes produced by Andy Hill. The majority of these tracks are taken from the original studio production master tapes. All fully remastered for the best possible quality ever released of Bucks Fizz material. Also for the first time, this collection contains the instrumentals and backing tracks for all the official singles, which have never been released! Finally, a whole CD of unreleased extended mixes including New Beginning, If You Cant Stand The Heat, Love The One Youre With and the song that started it all back in 1981, Making Your Mind Up. The entire collection contains 31 previously unreleased tracks, and also includes a 28-page booklet with extensive sleeve notes, photographs and discography. All contained within a five-disc Digipak. An absolute must for not only fans of this Eurovision winning act but 80s pop aficionados alike.発売日: 2023/10/27輸入盤UKレーベル: Cherry Pop収録曲: 1.1 Making Your Mind Up1.2 Piece of the Action1.3 One of Those Nights1.4 Land of Make Believe1.5 My Camera Never Lie1.6 Now Those Days Are Gone1.7 If You Cant Stand the Heat1.8 Run for Your Life1.9 When We Were Young1.10 London Town1.11 Rules of the Game1.12 Talking in Your Sleep1.13 Golden Days1.14 I Hear Talk (7 Inch Mix)1.15 You and Your Heart So Blue1.16 Magical1.17 New Beginning1.18 Love the One Youre with1.19 Keep Each Other Warm (7 Inch Mix)1.20 Heart of Stone2.1 Dont Stop2.2 Took It to the Limit2.3 Always Thinking of You2.4 Now Youre Gone2.5 What Am I Gonna Do2.6 Taking Me Higher2.7 Stepping Out2.8 Shot Me Through the Heart2.9 Where the Ending Starts2.10 Identity2.11 When We Were at War2.12 Dont Think Youre Fooling Me2.13 Where Do I Go Now2.14 Pulling Me Under2.15 Oh Suzanne2.16 In Your Eyes2.17 Too Hard2.18 Give a Little Love2.19 Heres Looking at You3.1 My Camera Never Lies3.2 If You Cant Stand the Heat3.3 When We Were Young (Extended Club Version)3.4 London Town (Extended Club Mix)3.5 Rules of the Game3.6 I Hear Talk3.7 Talking in Your Sleep (Extended Version)3.8 You and Your Heart So Blue (Extended Version)3.9 New Beginning (Extended Version)3.10 Love the One Youre with (Extended Version)3.11 Keep Each Other Warm (Long Version)3.12 I Hear Talk (1986 Extended Version)4.1 Making Your Mind Up4.2 Piece of the Action4.3 One of Those Nights4.4 Land of Make Believe4.5 My Camera Never Lies4.6 Now Those Days Are Gone4.7 If You Cant Stand the Heat4.8 Run for Your Life4.9 When We Were Young4.10 London Town4.11 Rules of the Game4.12 Talking in Your Sleep4.13 Golden Days4.14 I Hear Talk4.15 You and Your Heart So Blue4.16 Magical4.17 New Beginning4.18 Love the One Youre with4.19 Keep Each Other Warm4.20 Heart of Stone5.1 Making Your Mind Up5.2 Took It to the Limit5.3 Land of Make Believe (1991 Dance Funk Remix)5.4 If You Cant Stand the Heat (Alternative Version)5.5 Januarys Gone5.6 In Your Eyes5.7 Too Hard5.8 I Need Your Love5.9 Dont Turn Back5.10 New Beginning (Dub Funk)5.11 Love the One Youre with (Dub Funk)コメント:For the first time ever, the entire singles collection of Eurovision winners and 80s hitmakers Bucks Fizz, as their correctly released versions. Including the No. 1 hits The Land Of Make Believe, My Camera Never Lies and Making Your Mind Up, plus all the B sides from the singles and all the original extended mixes produced by Andy Hill. The majority of these tracks are taken from the original studio production master tapes. All fully remastered for the best possible quality ever released of Bucks Fizz material. Also for the first time, this collection contains the instrumentals and backing tracks for all the official singles, which have never been released! Finally, a whole CD of unreleased extended mixes including New Beginning, If You Cant Stand The Heat, Love The One Youre With and the song that started it all back in 1981, Making Your Mind Up. The entire collection contains 31 previously unreleased tracks, and also includes a 28-page booklet with extensive sleeve notes, photographs and discography. All contained within a five-disc Digipak. An absolute must for not only fans of this Eurovision winning act but 80s pop aficionados alike.





